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Barriers on the A8 reduce noise for nearby residents

The construction of the Second Coentunnel and the correspondent widening of some sections of the A8 and A10 pose consequences for their surroundings. On a large part of the route, Rijkswaterstaat is building sound barriers to limit the noise nuisance caused by road traffic. The construction of the first barriers for the second Coentunnel is about to begin.

Barriers of up to eight metres high
The noise barriers are located on the west side of the A8 from the Zaandam junction up to the existing barrier approximately 450 metres south of the Esso petrol station. These barriers extend gradually to the full height of eight metres. Barriers will also be placed in front of the Esso petrol station. This is to prevent sound leaks. Further south, toward the Coentunnel, the existing barriers will be replaced.

Preparatory work
Barriers will be placed along the A8 prior to construction. This gives the builders a safe working area and through traffic is protected from the construction activities. In recent weeks, construction roads have been created behind the barriers. The diversion of cables and pipelines has also begun. This is necessary for making the noise barriers' foundations. In the coming weeks, the portals over the A8 will be supported and shortened in order to make room for the noise barrier. The barrier is made of aluminium cartridges of 5 x 1 metres containing reinforced glass. The construction of these barriers will continue into the first quarter of 2011.

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